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Term Life Insurance

Term insurance is a type of life insurance that provides coverage for a specific period of time or years. This type of life insurance provides financial protection to the nominee in case of any unfortunate event with the policyholder during the policy term. Term Insurance policies provide high life cover at lower premiums.

Why is Term Insurance Plan Necessary?

Life is too unpredictable and uncertainties can rip you off emotionally, financially and physically too. This is because no one has control over one's death, neither, can anyone predict it. Death of the breadwinner of the family can cause disastrous turbulence in the family member's life.

To find solutions for these problems, term insurance plays a vital role in your life. Moreover, term plans are an excellent way to build a financial safety net and are the simplest and most affordable type of term life insurance. It will help your family to settle your loans and pay-off certain requirements in your absence. The death benefits are paid to the beneficiary or the nominee only upon the insured's death.


Ideally, everyone should buy a term plan. However, if you are the sole breadwinner or are contributing to the family's income, then you must purchase a term plan. Nevertheless, the below mentioned people should definitely buy a term plan:

  • If you are financially independent and wish to provide financial security for your family
  • Parents/Sole Breadwinner: Parents are generally the sole source of financial support for their children.
  • Newly-married couple: Roses, chocolates and movie tickets are great, but here’s a truly long-lasting gift for your spouse – term insurance. This gift will give your spouse more than momentary joy, and it will secure their future.
  • Working Women: The women of today are on an equal footing with men, whether it be managing their finances or providing for their family.
  • Young Professionals: Young professionals are just starting their careers. Many of them are not yet married and have no financial dependents. However this is likely to change in the future as they get married or support their parents/relatives. Such individuals should buy term insurance now rather than wait. This is because once a policy is purchased, the premiums stay the same throughout an individual’s life. On the other hand waiting to buy term insurance in the future can force customers to pay higher premiums because term insurance premiums increase with age.
  • Taxpayers: Term Insurance premiums paid are allowed as a deduction from taxable income under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The term insurance payouts on maturity are also exempt from tax subject to conditions under Section 10(10D). Hence taxpayers can use term insurance to reduce their tax burden significantly.
  • Self Employed/Startup: As a self-employed person, you face many challenges. You may have also taken a business or personal loan from creditors, banks, or even your family and friends. Hence, buying a term insurance plan to secure your family becomes even more important for you. A term life insurance policy can ensure that your family remains financially secure even in your absence.
  • SIP Investors: Investors in mutual fund SIPs (Systematic Investment Plan) invest a fixed amount every month in a mutual fund. The wealth creation in an SIP is driven by a stream of regular instalments which compound over time. However, an unfortunate event of the investor can stop the flow of instalments. Term Insurance can protect the SIP by providing the nominees of the insured person with funds to continue the SIP.
  • Retirees: Retired persons need to have term insurance if they have dependant spouses or families. Buying term life insurance can also be a way of leaving an inheritance for their families. This is because, Term Insurance is paid out to nominees in case of any mishap with the insured person.

Anyone and everyone one who does want to see their loved ones struggle to maintain their standard of living after the loss of the earning family member must buy a Term Insurance Plan. It is most apt for people falling under the below mentioned profiles.


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought in a lot of uncertainty. Many people have lost their lives, and several families have been shattered. While no one can replace the loss of a loved one, a term insurance plan that covers COVID-19 life claims can offer grieving families financial security and protection.

Term insurance is especially important at a time like this as it can help your loved ones move on with their lives with dignity.


The right time to buy a term insurance plan is as soon as you can. The chances of getting lifestyle diseases increase as you age, and so do insurance costs. When you invest in a term plan at a young age, you get an insurance policy at an affordable premium. Hence, it may be advised to invest in term life insurance when you are young. This will save a lot of money in the long run. Moreover, it will also provide you and your loved ones with extended coverage and financial security from an early age.

  • Offer lower rates for non-smokers and female
  • Additional optional riders to increase the base plan coverage
  • Low entry age: Term insurance plans have a minimum entry age of 18 years only. You can buy a term plan and secure your loved ones as soon as you reach adulthood.
  • Long term Coverage/protection: The term plan offers upto age 99 years that allow you to protect your family members for a long time
  • Easy to buy: You can compare different plans and features with a few clicks and pick a plan that suits your needs the best. The submission of documents, premium payment, and all other customer queries can be submitted online from the comfort of your home or office
  • flexible premium payment options: Term insurance plans offer flexible premium payment options like monthly, quarterly or yearly payment
  • Liability protection: The sum assured of a term insurance plan can be used to ensure your family’s financial security and protect them from debt liabilities like a loan repayment.
  • Higher Sum Assured at a Lowest premiums: Term Insurance plans provide a large amount of life insurance cover at an affordable premium.
  • Coverage of Critical Illnesses: Along with providing life cover, term provides protection against critical illnesses. For a small additional premium, Critical Illness Cover provides lump sum payments when a critical illness like a heart attack, cancer, kidney failure, or any other critical illness is first diagnosed.
  • Support in Case of Disability: The insurance company pays your future premiums in case of total and permanent disability. As a result, your life insurance cover continues even if you are unable to pay premiums.
  • Married Women’s Property Act (MWPA) – secures the financial benefits of the husbands insurance policy for the wife and the children.
  • Additional Accidental Rider Coverage: A Term Policy provides additional payout (up to `2 crore) in case of an accidental death. For example, if your life cover is 1 crore, a Term Insurance Plan with Accident Death Cover pays 2 crore to your family in case of an accidental death.
  • Death benefits: In the unfortunate event of death during the policy term, your family receives the death benefit from term insurance. Your nominee can choose to receive a regular income along with a lump sum benefit in your absence
  • Tax Benefits: Term Insurance plans offer tax benefits on premiums paid under Section 80C. Term Plans with critical illness cover also offer additional tax benefits on premiums paid under Section 80D. You also get tax benefits subject to conditions under Section 10(10D) on the money that your family receives in case of an unfortunate event.
  • Survival benefits: Standard term insurance does not offer any benefits if you survive the term. However, a return of premium term plan also provides you with a lump sum or regular income as guaranteed benefits to help you fulfil varied financial goals. The term plan pays back an amount that is at least equal to the total premium paid. You receive these guaranteed benefits at the end of the tenure.

The premium for a term insurance plan is calculated based on a number of factors. Various aspects of your health and lifestyle, such as your gender, age, habits, past or current medical ailments, hereditary diseases that are likely to affect you, and other aspects are considered before deciding upon a premium amount.

Here are some things that determine the value of your term insurance premium:

  • Age: Your age plays an important role in your term insurance plan. Typically, the premium of a term insurance policy is lower for individuals who are young and increases as a person ages. This is because the younger you are, the fewer are the chances of you suffering from a disease that can result in an unfortunate event, and the lower is the risk for the company. This is why financial experts often advise to purchase a term insurance plan as early in life as possible. The longer you wait, the more money you will have to pay out to secure your plan.
  • Duration of the policy: Your term insurance premiums will vary based on the total duration and benefit amount.
  • Gender: Many scientific studies and researches have found that women tend to live longer than men. In fact, as per estimates, an average woman can live 5 years more than an average man. This translates to five extra years of premiums too. As a result, women are charged lower term insurance premiums than men.
  • Medical history: Your past health conditions or those of your family members are often analysed to determine the premium instalments of your term plan. Ailments such as stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, cancer, and other elements can be hereditary and passed on to the next generation. If you or your loved ones, such as your parents or grandparents suffer from such diseases, the premium of the plan will be comparatively high.
  • Current health conditions: Factors such as your weight, eating preferences, and overall fitness can affect your term insurance premium. If you suffer from hypertension, diabetes, fluctuating sugar, thyroid, or any other health condition your premium could be more your premium will be more.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol: Smoking, drinking alcohol, and similar habits such as consuming tobacco or drugs can negatively impact your health. This further increases your chances of falling sick or suffering from a life-threatening medical condition. Hence, if you indulge in any of these things, you may be asked to pay a higher term insurance premium. On the other hand, if you follow a healthy way of life, your term plan premiums could be comparatively less.
  • Lifestyle habits: If you are inclined towards adventure sports like mountain climbing, sky diving, deep sea diving, or any other adventure sport you could be asked for a higher premium. Since these activities put your life at risk, the premiums charged are also more.
  • Profession: Your profession can also have a pivotal place in your health. People with risky jobs such as pilots, sailors, soldiers, and other such jobs are more susceptible to danger. They are also more likely to suffer from serious ailments because of the demanding nature of their career. If your profession involves a high level of risk such as exposure to chemicals, environmental hazards, or any other risk you will be asked to pay a high premium too.
  • Sum assured: This is the amount of money that your nominee will receive in case of an unfortunate event. This also determines the premium amount for the term plan
  • Term insurance premium: This is the money you pay to the insurance company in return for financial protection. Premiums can be made in monthly, Quarterly, half-yearly, and annual instalments. Premiums tend to increase as you age
  • Add-on benefits (riders): To enhance the coverage of your plan, you can add benefits to your plan, such as a critical illness rider, an accidental death rider, or a permanent disability rider. Riders come at a nominal cost over the premium
  • Death benefit: This is the same as a sum assured and is given to the nominee in case of an unfortunate eventuality.
  • Claim Settlement Ratio: The Claim Settlement Ratio (CSR) is the ratio of the total number of claims raised in a year and the number of claims settled in a year by an insurer. The higher the number, the more reliable the insurance company is, as the chances of your family’s claim being rejected are low

The age limit varies based on the particular plan you choose. The minimum age is 18 years and the maximum age is 65 years.

A – Yes, Life insurance plans including Term Life insurance cover death caused due to health issues. This stands true for death caused due to Coronavirus as well. If an unfortunate event occurs with a person who has purchased Term Insurance policy due to COVID-19, his/her nominee will be paid the sum assured.

If your main purpose is to financially protect your family like your partner, children or parents in your absence, then you could opt for a Term Insurance Plan. Term Insurance plans give you adequate life insurance cover at a much lower cost. However, if you are looking for insurance as well as savings returns, then you may go for traditional life insurance policies like endowment plans or ULIPs.

As a thumb rule, you should opt for a policy term depending on your retirement age. By then you would have paid off all your liabilities. However, in case you have some loans or liabilities, which will continue even after your retirement, you may choose your policy term accordingly.

E.g.: If your current age is 30 and you expect to retire at the age of 60, you should opt for a term life cover for 30 years policy term.

Ideal Policy Term = Your Expected Retirement Age – Your Current Age


Your Expected Age to attain Zero Liability – Your Current Age

Yes, Term Insurance premiums are deductible under Section 80C^^ of the Income Tax Act 1961. You can claim upto 1.5 lakh deduction for term insurance premiums paid over the year.

You will need to upload your PAN card, an age and address proof (passport, driving license, Aadhaar card or voter’s ID), and income proof documents (ITR, salary slips, bank statements or Form 16).

We suggest, your term insurance cover should be about 10-12 times your annual income. For e.g.: if you are earning 7.5 lakh per annum, you must secure yourself with a cover of about 75 lakh.

Additionally, you may also consider the following liabilities if applicable:

I. Loans & Liabilities

II. Children’s Education Cost

A simple rule of thumb for calculating Sum Assured in a Term Insurance policy is - Minimum Sum Assured = Annual Income x 10 times + Loans/Liabilities.

Limited Pay lets the customer pay off their entire premium in a limited period while enjoying the benefits of the plan for the entire policy term. This lets you free from the burden of paying premiums early on while keeping your family secured for a long period of time. While the premiums to be paid now are higher with Limited Pay, you can end up saving up to 65%`` on total premiums paid over the course of the policy. This is a good option for people who don’t have many financial obligations currently and can manage to pay high premiums. However, if budget is a constraint, then you can go with the Regular Pay option where you pay throughout the policy term. You can choose to pay the premiums monthly, half-yearly or annually.

You can change specified personal and policy details at any time during the policy tenure. You can download the relevant form from our website and submit it at our branches to ask for changes in details such as:

  • The spelling of your name
  • Contact information
  • Residential status
  • Date of birth
  • Nominee
  • Premium payment frequency or mode

But the policy tenure cannot be modified after you buy the plan. However, your insurance needs might change as your financial liabilities increase

No, you cannot change the policy period of Term Insurance after the policy is issued.

Once your policy matures or reaches the end of its term, it ceases to exist which means the Term Life Insurance Policy expires and your coverage stops.

All kinds of deaths are covered under a Term Insurance Plan, including natural, accidental, murder, illnesses and natural calamities. Only death due to suicide in the first year of policy is not covered.

During the policy period, the nominee of your Term Plan can be changed as many times as you want. This change must be communicated to the insurer in writing, which shall ensure that the person who you think should benefit from your life cover receives the pay-out on time.

After the policyholder is no more, if an unfortunate event occurs with the nominee before the sum assured is paid, then the policy benefits are received by the legal heir(s) or representative(s) or succession certificate holder(s).

No, you don’t get your money back on survival till the end of the policy term in a Term Insurance plan.

Term Insurance premium increases if the probability of the policyholder’s death rises. Smokers have a higher death rate than non-smokers. Hence, they are charged a higher premium.

Your Term Plan premium is decided when you buy the plan and remains unchanged throughout the policy period. However, the insurance provider may not take into consideration any claim arising as a direct consequence of alcohol consumption. Read your policy document carefully to understand all the exclusions related to alcohol use.

You should also disclose any change in your lifestyle and health condition, including smoking habits, to your insurer. It will ensure a hassle-free claim settlement at a time when your family needs the sum assured the most.

grace period for payment of premium of 15 days applies for monthly premium payment mode and 30 days for other modes of premium payment. If the premium is not paid even within the grace period, the policy shall lapse and the cover will cease.

If you become an NRI after purchasing a Term Plan, your policy remains intact and continues to provide life cover anywhere in the world.

You can save up to approx 50% on the total premium if you opt to pay off your premiums early with Limited Pay option of 5, 7 or 10 years. This also ensures lesser liabilities but sufficient cover for the later part of your life.

Terminal Illness, is a condition which, in the opinion of two independent medical practitioners specialising in the treatment of such illness, is highly likely to lead to death within six months. The terminal illness must be diagnosed and confirmed by medical practitioners registered with the Indian Medical Association and approved by the company. The company reserves the right for an independent assessment.

Term Insurance provides pay-out to your nominee only if an unfortunate event occurs while the cover is in force. If you survive your policy period, your life cover will end on the policy maturity date. Your policy will terminate, and you will not receive any pay-outs.

Term Insurance Claim Process:

How to File a Term Insurance Claim in the Event of Death?

Lodging a Term Insurance Claim

The first step is to lodge a claim. The nominee/claimant must intimate the insurance company and lodge a claim on the death of the life assured. To lodge a term insurance claim, the nominee/claimant needs to contact the insurance through any of their established claim reporting channels like:

  • Visit the claims section on company’s official website for online claim intimation
  • E-mail /Call the insurance company on their 24 x 7 toll-free claim intimation service
  • Visit the nearest Insurance company’s branch office
Required Documents to File a Term Insurance Claim:

In case of a natural death

  • Term Insurance policy document
  • Duly signed and filled claim forms
  • Original or Copy of the Life Assured's Death Certificate
  • Claimant’s statement
  • Any other relevant document as requested by the insurance company.

In case of an accidental death

  • Police FIR report, Police Inquest Form and Final Police Investigation Report
  • Medical attendant's certificate or Attending Doctor’s Statement
  • Hospital Certificate and medical reports including admission and discharge summary of the life assured, death summary, test reports, etc.
  • Post mortem report
  • Claimant’s statement
  • Any other relevant document as requested by the insurance company
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